Dr. Alizai is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at LUMS. He brings years of experience as a faculty, researcher, software engineer, and technical lead both in industrial and academic settings. He has authored a book and book-chapters, and published more than 60 scientific papers while abroad and indigenously from Pakistan, several of them in top-flight ACM/IEEE journals and conferences (CoNEXT, SenSys, IPSN, BuildSys, LCTES, EWSN, TOSN, TECS, CCR). He regularly serves on the organizing and program committees of leading CS conferences such as MobiSys, SenSys, IPSN, BuildSys, SECON, IMWUT, and PerCom. He is a certified trainer for Instruction Skills Workshop and regularly conducts pedagogical workshops for faculty at LUMS. 

Some of his recent awards/achievements include:

  • Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, 2022
  • Georg Forster Research Fellowship Award 2021-22
  • Best paper award candidate at ACM EWSN 2020
  • Best paper award candidate at ACM SenSys 2019
  • Audience Choice Best Paper Award at ACM BuildSys 2017
  • Summa cum laude (highest distinction) for Ph.D. thesis
  • Best abstract award at ACM SenSys 2010
  • Research grants as PI/CoPI totaling > $0.8+ mln
  • Siemens AG scholarship for post-grad studies

For more information about his teaching and research, please visit his personal webpage

Title Publication Author Year
The Internet of Batteryless Things Communications of the ACM Ahmed S., Islam B., Yildirim K.S., Zimmerling M., Pawelczak P., Alizai M.H., Lucia B., Mottola L., Sorber J., Hester J., 2024
Shepard: Dynamic Placement of??Microservices in??the??Edge-Cloud Continuum Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Asghar F., Fatima T., Siddiqui J.H., Bhatti N.A., Alizai M.H., 2024
From Waste to Watts: A Self-Sustaining Water Heating System Powered by a Thermoelectric Generator BuildSys 2023 - Proceedings of the10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation Chaudhry H.H., Raja R.M., Alizai M.H., Zaffar N., Bhatti N.A., 2023
Saving natural gas through smart water heating BuildSys 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation Zahid M.A., Zaffar N., Alizai M.H., 2022
ASHRAY: Enhancing Water-usage Comfort in Developing Regions using Data-driven IoT Retrofits ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems Abbas S., Ehsan A., Ahmed S., Khan S.A., Jadoon T.M., Alizai M.H., 2022
A survey on program-state retention for transiently-powered systems Journal of Systems Architecture Ahmed S., Bhatti N.A., Brachmann M., Alizai M.H., 2021
Discovering the hidden anomalies of intermittent computing International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks Maioli A., Mottola L., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., 2021
Battery-less zero-maintenance embedded sensing at the mithr??um of circus maximus SenSys 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems Afanasov M., Bhatti N.A., Campagna D., Caslini G., Centonze F.M., Dolui K., Maioli A., Barone E., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., 2020
Fast and Energy-Efficient State Checkpointing for Intermittent Computing ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems Ahmed S., Bhatti N.A., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., 2020
Demystifying Energy Consumption Dynamics in Transiently powered Computers ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems Ahmed S., Nawaz M., Bakar A., Bhatti N.A., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., 2020
Welcome from the SECON Workshop Chairs Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks workshops Alizai M.H., Lemic F., 2020
Intermittent Computing with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, EWSN 2020 - Proceedings Ahmed S., Ul Ain Q., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., Alizai M.H., 2020
No-frills water comfort for developing regions Proceedings - 2020 19th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2020 Abbas S., Ehsan A., Ahmed S., Khan S.A., Jadoon T.M., Alizai M.H., 2020
Intermittent computing with dynamic voltage and frequency scaling International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks Ahmed S., Ain Q.U., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., Alizai M.H., 2020
Intermittent asynchronous peripheral operations SenSys 2019 - Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems Branco A., Mottola L., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., 2019
On intermittence bugs in the battery-less internet of things (WIP paper) Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) Maioli A., Alizai M.H., Mottola L., Siddiqui J.H., 2019
The betrayal of constant power ?? time: Finding the missing joules of transiently-powered computers Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) Ahmed S., Alizai M.H., Bakar A., Siddiqui J.H., Bhatti N.A., Mottola L., 2019
Efficient intermittent computing with differential checkpointing Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) Ahmed S., Bhatti N.A., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., Mottola L., 2019
Scylla: Interleaving multiple IoT stacks on a single radio CoNEXT 2018 - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies Iqbal H., Alizai M.H., Qazi I.A., Landsiedel O., Uzmi Z.A., 2018
Inverted HVAC: Greenifying older buildings, one room at a time ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks Abbas S., Bakar A., Chandio Y., Hafeez K., Ayesha A.L.I., Jadoon T.M., Hamad Alizai M., 2018
Poster Abstract: Towards Smaller Checkpoints for Better Intermittent Computing Proceedings - 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2018 Ahmed S., Alizai M.H., Siddiqui J.H., Bhatti N.A., Mottola L., 2018
Automated Solutions for Crowd Size Estimation Social Science Computer Review Aziz M.W., Naeem F., Alizai M.H., Khan K.B., 2018
Networking wireless energy in embedded networks ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks Chandio Y., Bitsch J.A., Syed A.A., Hamad Alizai M., 2018
InKeV: In-Kernel distributed network virtualization for DCN Computer Communication Review Ahmed Z., Alizai M.H., Syed A.A., 2018
Inverting HVAC for energy efficient thermal comfort in populous emerging countries BuildSys 2017 - Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments Hafeez K., Ali A., Chandio Y., Syed A.A., Alizai M.H., Bakar A., Jadoon T.M., 2017