Dr. Ghulam Ali Arain has a PhD in Organizational Behaviour and MS in Management Sciences from Aix-Marseille University, France. He has more than 13 years, diversified, experience in teaching and research at universities in France, KSA, UAE, & Pakistan. He has served as Director SIBA Executive Development Center, Coordinator of EMBA, MS & PhD programs, HoD of Business department.

Dr. Arain joined Suleman Dawood School of Business at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) in 2022 as Associate Professor. He has been actively involved in research in the areas of knowledge management, leadership, business ethics, trust, voice, and employee performance. His 30+ research papers have been published in top-ranked journals, including Group & Org Mgt. Journal of Business Ethics, Int Journal of HRM, Applied Psychology, Tourism Management, European Journal of Work & Org Psychology, and Journal of Knowledge Management amongst others. He is also an Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences and a Senior Editor of the International Journal of Emerging Markets.

Dr. Arain has conducted several workshops, seminars, and capacity-building training for executives of SSGC, IRD, Literacy and Education Department of Sindh Government, NSUSC, ASP LUMS, CIDA, and USAID. He has completed many projects, including a project worth 9.05 million from International Relief & Development and a project worth 19.20 million from the Ministry of Education, Sindh Government.

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Arain, G., Bhatti, Z., Hameed, I., Khan & Khan, A. & Rudolph, C. (2024). A meta-analysis of the nomological network of knowledge hiding in organizations. Personnel Psychology, doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12562.

Hameed, I., Arain, G. & Nicolau, J. (In Press 2023). Leader Knowledge Hiding and Employee Change-Oriented Voice: A Dual Mediation Process. Tourism Management.

Naeem, R., Weng, Q., Hameed, Z., Arain & Arain, G. & Islam, Z. (2023). Supervisor incivility and counterproductive work behavior: The role of job and personal resources. Personnel Review.

Arain, G., Hameed, I., Umrani,, W., Nicolau & Nicolau, J. & Dhir,, A. (2022). How and when does leader knowledge hiding trickle-down to organizational hierarchy in the tourism context? A team-level analysis. Tourism Management.

Khan, A., Hameed, I., Quratulain, S., Arain & Arain, G. & Newman, A. (2022). How the supervisor's Machiavellianism results in abusive supervision: understanding the role of the supervisor's competitive worldviews and subordinate's performance. Personnel Review.

Arain, G., Hameed, I., Khan, A., Alberto & Alberto, D. & Dhir, A. (2021). How and when do employees hide knowledge from co-workers?. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Arain, G., Bhatti, Z. & J, C. (2021). Does LMX always promote employee voice? A dark side of migrant working in Saudi Arabia.. International Journal of Manpower.

Arain, G., Bhatti,, Z., Akarm,, M., Fang, & Fang,, Y. & Yasin,, H. (2020). Constructive Voice Behavior for Social Change on Social Networking Sites: A Reflection of Moral Identity. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Arain, G., Bhatti, Z. & Ashraf, N. (2020). Top-Down Knowledge Hiding in Organizations: An Empirical Study of the Consequences of Supervisor Knowledge Hiding Among Locals and Expatriates in the Middle East. Journal of Business Ethics.

Arain, G., Ali,, I., Ali,, M., Salam, & Salam,, M. & Bhatti,, Z. (2020). Does international SMEs' vicarious learning improve their performance? The role of absorptive capacity, tie strength with local SMEs, and prior success experiences. Industrial Marketing Management.

Arain, G., Hameed,, I., Umrani,, W., Khan, & Khan,, A. & Sheikh., A. (2020). Whether and how subordinates respond to top-down knowledge hiding in organizations: A multilevel mediation analysis. Applied Psychology: An International Review.

Arain, G., Bhatti,, Z., Yasin,, H., Khan, & Khan,, M. & Akarm,, M. (2020). The Role of Integrated Offline/Online Social Activity and Social Identification in Facebook Citizenship Behaviour Formation. Information Technology & People.

Arain, G., Hameed,, Z., Channa,, K. & Rana, & Rana,, N. (2020). The future of your job represents your future: A moderated mediation model of transformational leadership and job crafting.. Personnel Review.

Arain, G., Hameed, I. & Crawshaw, J. (2019). Servant Leadership, Follower Felt Responsibility for Constructive Change and Voice: The Moderating Roles of Avoidance and Approach Motivation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Arain, G., Kumar,, A. & Channa,, K. (2019). Relationship between Organizational Injustice and Work Interference with Family: The Role of Social Support. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management..

Arain, G., Umrani,, W., Siyal,, I., Ahmed, & Ahmed,, U. & Syed,, H. (2019). Does family come first? Family Motivation-Individual's OCB assessment via Self-Efficacy. Personnel Review.

Arain, G., Hameed, I. & Bhatti, Z. (2019). Top-down knowledge hiding and innovative work behavior: A moderated mediation analysis of local-foreigner status and self-efficacy. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Fang, Y., Li, C. & Arain, G. (2019). How does participation and browsing affect continuance intention in virtual communities? An integration of curiosity theory and subjective well-being. Behaviour & Information Technology.

Arain, G. (2018). The Interplay of Trust & Distrust at Workplace: Examining the Effect of Psychological Contract Breach on Organizational Deidentification. Journal of Asia Business Studies.

Arain, G., Quratulain,, S., Crawshaw,, J., Khan, & Khan,, A. & Hameed,, I. (2018). A study of employee affective organizational commitment and retention in Pakistan: The roles of psychological contract breach and norms of reciprocity. International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Arain, G., Sehrish,, B., Hameed,, I., Lacaze, & Lacaze,, D. & Zara,, T. (2018). Am I treated better than my co-worker? A moderated mediation analysis of psychological contract fulfillment, organizational identification, and positive voice. Personnel Review.

Arain, G. (2018). The Impact of Leadership Style on Moral Identity and Subsequent In-Role Performance: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Ethics & Behavior.

Arain, G. (2018). The roles of network embeddedness, market incentives, and slack resources in the adoption of clean technologies by developing countries' firms. Climate Policy.

Arain, G., Sehrish,, B., Khan,, A. & Hameed, & Hameed,, I. (2018). Blessing in Disguise: The Impact of Abusive Supervision on Employees' Help-Seeking Behavior. Journal of Management & Organization.

Arain, G., Anum,, S., Hameed,, I. & Asadullah, & Asadullah,, M. (2017). Do as I Do: The Role of Teachers' Ethical Leadership in Developing the Business Students' Moral Identity and the Subsequent Academic Citizenship Behaviors. Ethics & Behavior.

Memon, B., Syed, S. & Arain, G. (2017). Employee Involvement and the Knowledge Creation Process: An Empirical Study of Pakistani Banks. Global Business and Organizational Excellence.

Arain, G., Memon,, B. & Syed,, S. (2017). Employee Involvement and the Knowledge Creation Process: An Empirical Study of Pakistani Banks. Global Business and Organizational Excellence.

Arain, G., Asadullah,, M., Siddiquei,, A. & Hussain, & Hussain,, A. (2017). When and Which Employees Feel Obliged: A Personality Perspective of How Organizational Identification Develops. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Arain, G., Hameed,, I., Khan,, A., Sabharwal, & Sabharwal,, M. & Hameed,, I. (2017). Making Successful Change Effort in Public Sector: Employees' Readiness for Change Perspective. Review of Public Personnel Administration.

Arain, G., Asadullah,, M., Siddiquei,, A. & Hussain, & Hussain,, A. (2017). Power, moral clarity and punishment severity: a moderated-mediation model. South Asia Journal of Business Studies.

Hameed, I., Zahid, R., Arain, G. & Farooq & Farooq, O. (2016). How Do Internal and External CSR Affect Employees' Organizational Identification? A Perspective from Group Engagement Model. Frontiers in Psychology.

Asadullah, M., Peretti, J., Arain, G. & Bourgain & Bourgain, M. (2015). Firm Size, Ownership, Training Duration and Training Evaluation Practices. European Journal of Training and Development.

Syed, S., Arain, G., Schalk, R. & Freese & Freese, C. (2015). Balancing Work and Family Obligations in Pakistan and the Netherlands: A Comparative Study. Global Business and Organizational Excellence.

Arain, G. & Kumar,, A. (2014). Testing Main and Interactive Effect of Personal Coping and Social Support on Work Family Conflict. Sukkur IBA Journal of Management & Business.

Arain, G., Hameed,, I. & Roques,, O. (2013). Nonlinear Moderating Effect of Tenure on Organizational Identification (OID) & the role of OID in Fostering Readiness for Change. Group & Organization Management.

Arain, G. & Hameed, I. (2013). Identity-based trust as a mediator of the effects of organizational identification on employee attitudes: An empirical study. International Journal of Management.

Arain, G. & Hameed, I. (2012). Integrating affect with psychological contract breach (PCB) and work attitudes. Global Business and Organizational Excellence.

Arain, G. (2024). An Industry Note: LEADING WITH EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Under Review. Case Research Unit.

Arain, G. & Moazzam, S. (2024). Unveiling Bottom-Line Mentality (BLM) in Pakistan's Banking Sector - An Industry Note, Under Review. Case Research Unit.

Arain, G. & Hameed, I. (2024). Service Sales Corporation (SSC) Great Leap Forward, Under Review. Asian Journal of Management Cases.

Arain, G. (2024). Resonant Leadership Styles: Case Study, Under Review. Case Research Unit.

Hameed, I., Darar, S. & Arain, G. (2023). Understanding Knowledge-Hiding and Its Role in Intersectional Academia., Published. In Intersectionality and Creative Business Education: Inclusive and Diverse Cultures in Pedagogy, Springer.

Arain, G. (2021). Financial strain and subjective well-being of unemployed individuals during COVID-19. The 81st Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2021, Seattle, Washington.

Arain, G., Bhatti, Z., A. & Hameed, I. (2019). The impact of supervisors' knowledge hiding on subordinates' innovative work behavior (IWB): A moderated-mediation model.. Asian Management Research and Case (AMRC) Conference 2019, United Arab Emirates University, UAE., Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Arain, G. (2012). Violation versus distrust: Assessing competing perspectives for the psychological contract breach. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, United States of America.

Arain, G., Hameed, Lacaze & Peretti & Peretti (2011). Integrating Affect with Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) Work Attitudes: A Case of Pakistani University Teachers.. 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies", Normandy Business School, Caen, France, June 20-21, 2011., Normandy, France.

Arain, G. & Roques (2011). Exploring the Effects of Identity-Based Trust. A Mediation Analysis. 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies", Normandy Business School, Caen, France, June 20-21, 2011., Caen, France.

Arain, G. (2011). Extending the model of antecedents and outcomes of organizational identification in Pakistani context. 0th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference, Summer 2 011 ", Istanbul Turkey, June 20-22, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.

Arain, G., Hameed, Lacaze & Javed & Javed (2011). Integrating affect with Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) and work attitudes: a c comparative analysis of university teachers of Pakistan & USA.. 10th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) , summer 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.

Arain, G., Hameed & Roques (2010). Determinants and outcomes of organizational identification: Evidence from Pakistani context.. International Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Toulouse, France.

Arain, G., Lacaze, & Hameed (2010). The mediating role of affective responses between psychological contract breach and job attitudes: the case of university teachers.. International Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, Toulouse, France.

Arain, G., Khan, A., K. & Khalid,, M. & Qurat-ul-ain, S.,Jordan, S., & Nisar, S (2023). Do Perpetrators of Knowledge Hiding Engage in Knowledge Sharing? A Moral Cleansing Perspective.. Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 13340).

Arain, G., Bhatti, Z.,, A. & Hameed,, I. & Khan, A., K. (2021). How and when do employees hide knowledge from co-workers? A multilevel moderated-mediation model. The 81st Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2021", 29th July to 4th August 2021, USA.

Arain, G., Hameed,, I. & Crawshaw, J., R. (2019). Servant Leadership and Follower Promotive & Prohibitive Voice Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Model.,. "The 79th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2019", August 9-13, 2019 Boston, Massachusetts.

Arain, G., Hameed,, I. & Umrani,, W. & Sheikh. A., Z. (2019). Whether and How Subordinates Passively Respond to Top-Down Knowledge Hiding in Organizations.. The 79th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2019", August 9-13, 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, USA..

Arain, G., Bhatti,, Z. & Crawshaw, J., R. (2019). Leader-Member Exchange and Local/Expat Promotive and Prohibitive Voice Behaviors.. "The 79th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2019", August 9-13, 2019 Boston, Massachusetts, USA..

Arain, G., Afshan,, G. & Javed,, U. (2017). Am I more Worthy to My Leader than My Co-worker? The Conditional Mediating Role of Leader-Based Self-Esteem in the LMX-Performance Relationship. "The 77th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2017", August 4-8, 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA..

Arain, G., Asadullah, M., A. & Hameed,, I. (2017). The Moral and Spiritual Basis of Prosocial Rule Breaking in Healthcare Professionals. The 77th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2017", August 4-8, 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA..

Arain, G., Hameed,, I., Khan, A., K., Sabharwal, & Sabharwal,, M. & Hameed,, I. (2016). Making Successful Change Effort in Public Sector: Employees' Readiness for Change Perspective. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2016", August 5-9, 2016, Anaheim, California, USA..

Arain, G., Quratulain,, S., Crawshaw,, Khan, A. & Khan, A., K. & Hameed,, I. (2016). A study of employee affective organizational commitment and retention in Pakistan: The roles of psychological contract breach and norms of reciprocity,. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2016", August 5-9, 2016, Anaheim, California, USA..

Arain, G. & Hameed,, I. (2015). The Scapegoat Feeling: Impact of Social Comparison on Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) on OCBs. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2015, August 7-11, 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada..

Arain, G., Kumar,, Syed, & Vengen & Vengen (2014). Social support as a moderator between organizational injustice and work-family interference. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2014", August 1-5, 2014 – Philadelphia, USA..

Arain, G. & Arain, G. A., Hameed, I., Dhir, A., (2024). Supervisor knowledge hiding in organizations: A social dominance orientation perspective on why, how, and when it occurs.

Arain, G. & Hameed, I., Babalola, M., Cort, R., (R&R) (2024). A Meta-Analysis of the Nomological Network of Bottom-Line Mentality (BLM) in Organizations.

Arain, G., Khan, A., Quratulain, S., Khalid & Khalid, M. & Hochwarter, H., Babalola, M., & Nisar, S. (2024). Do perpetrators of knowledge hiding engage in knowledge sharing? A moral cleansing perspective.

Arain, G., Khan, K., Khalid, M., Quratulain & Quratulain, S. & Jordan, S. (2024). Enacted Abusive Supervision and Supervisory Outcomes: A Social Distance Perspective.

Arain, G., Hameed, I., Gamage, A. & Muthiri & Muthiri, M. (2023). How and When Does Employee Creativity Lead to Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior? Unmasking the Dark Side of Organizational Creativity.